Local Walks and Hikes
Sawyer Trail
is a series of short interpretive trails in Dewey Woods, part of the Sunapee Town Forest, to the south on Rte 11. Parking and access to the trails is on the east side of Rte 11 between the turnings for Granliden and Dewey Beach Roads.The Sunapee River Walk
south of Main Street, identifies structures of historical importance on the Sugar River, the only outlet of Lake SunapeeMount Sunapee State Park
( www.nhstateparks.org/explore/state-parks/mount-sunapee-state-park.aspx ) , accessed from the traffic circle at the southern end of Rte 103B, has a series of hiking trails available out of ski season that include path to the summit of Mt Sunapee at 2743 feet.Philbrick-Cricenti Bog
located in New London (take the main road into town from I-89 Exit12; the bog trail is off to your left) is a beautiful kettle bog hole with a great display of wetland plants along a mile of boardwalk trails. www.nhdfl.org/library/pdf/Natural%20Heritage/Philbrick2.pdfWebb Forest
in New London (take Pleasant off Main Street to Lake Shore Drive) offers a number of trails as well as a connection to the SRK greenway.Mt. Kearsarge
has several trails that lead up to the summit at 2937 feet. These can be accessed to the east by Old Winslow Road in Wilmot Flat off Rte 11 (Winslow State Park entrance), and to the south - take North Road off Rte 103 at I-89 Exit 9, then Kearsage Road (Rollins State Park entrance). For more information go to: www.nhstateparks.orgPillsbury State Park
is tucked away to the south of Sunapee off Rte 31 in the town of Washington, NH. www.nhstateparks.com/Maps/pilsburymaps.htmlHiking Further Afield
More trails can be found at www.uvtrails.org/ and the generic site trails.com ( /www.trails.com ). In addition, The Upper Valley Land Trust (www.uvlt.org/public-access/trailsuv/), an organization dedicated to land conservation in the upper Connecticut River valley, publishes maps of several trails open to the public on parcels of land held in conservation in New Hampshire and Vermont. More hiking locations and activities are described in the Dartmouth Outing Guide on the bookshelf, and on the website of the Appalachian Mountain Club (www.outdoors.org/). The New Hampshire Department of Fish and Game now offers free topographical maps (1 inch = 1/2 mile) of the entire state, which can be downloaded from wildnh.com/maps/topo.html.Other resources for hiking in Vermont include Vermont Living magazine, the Green Mountain Club, the Vermont Outdoor Guide Association: